Senin, 11 Juni 2012

The first Welding Helmet to Protect the Eyes & Head from UV Rays

Welding is a serious business, usually to weld one should use a torch. The torch is used can easily burn the retina of the eye. A welding mask protects the eyes and around the head of the sparks that fly around while welding.

The first welding helmet designed to protect the eyes and head from UV rays produced by the arc welder. It was very heavy and has two black peep hole that the wearer could see out of.

The original mask is coated with asbestos to prevent burns, but unfortunately for the users of this type of mask was determined the next few years that asbestos is dangerous to breathe in. Many of the users of this mask is very sore wound early lung cancer are directly from time to time associated with the use of native species from the mask. Usually there is a leather cap worn under the mask and draped over the shoulders and neck cover to add extra protection. It's hard to find a new mask that still has a leather hood is available.

Over time the mask has been developed into a much lighter structure. The lens is now typically one solid piece and clear but is treated to protect the eyes, it darkens like sunglasses do some changes when it detects the light produced by welding and the dark to adjust. Welders are still many complain that the welding mask is large and can block their view, but it worked without a mask, especially when the welding arc welding is very dangerous and can cause serious damage to eyes.

Welder's eyes are very painful; eyes became very swollen, red and sore. Sometimes even with the benefit of the eye mask welders welding occurs. Immediate medical attention is needed to tend to this condition.


A welder mask can be very expensive, but it is an indispensable part of the equipment. Welding can not be achieved without safety masks welder.

A cheap welding mask can be purchased for less than $ 20 is probably not the best choice because it can not provide the protection needed.

Better models sold between $ 200 to $ 500 dollars; dark auto models will cost the most.

A welding mask is needed goods and money spent to buy one should not be skimped on.

Learning Weld Comfort Without Leaving Your Home?

You read the title correctly fellow welders. Look at this.

What if you could train your mind to weld before welding helmet you wear? Are you familiar with the most common mistakes than can interfere with the welder? If not, you will probably make the same mistakes. Errors that can carry an X-ray failure, or a bad bend test, and just plain old bad welds.

What if you could be the hand of The Killer Combo or maybe just brush up your skills in general? The fact of the matter is, is that if you want to be great at anything you must practice and practice again. We've all heard it before. It's true. If you want to become a great golfer or a killer guitarist of the first things you need to do is to actually see other people doing that thing a long time to do so.

The eyes are the portal to the brain. I know it's not rocket science but keep reading. Welding is a form of visual art. Like the artwork you visualize what happens when it is in progress.

Eyes and your memory to communicate back and forth to activities to continue. Keep in mind that just because this process in motion that does not guarantee a great success rate. Listen to this information I found: according to research by New York Times, for the brain, remembering is like doing.

That means if you can program your brain to recall the techniques that lead to greatness, it's best to really learn what to do before you actually do it. You can actually train your memory to become an expert before you actually do it.

Well we are out of time for this piece of welding information. Talk soon!

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To Attack An Arc When Arc Welding

Learn how to properly strike an arc when the welding arc can be quite a headache. There are several methods to strike an arc and we will discuss them here. One thing that might make even the most difficult part is that you can not see what you're doing, so I highly recommend getting an automatic welding helmet dark. It will probably be the most important investment that will make on your quest to learn how to arc weld.

The basic theory behind how to strike a simple arc. You have to make the metal of the metal electrode on the welding contact you. Then have to be pulled away from the metal about 1/4 inch. If you do not pull it away it would just stick to your job. If it happens quick twist and pull will usually get it loose. If it does not break free on your first attempt will want to squeeze the clamp on the electrode holder and pull away. Keep in mind every time the electrodes attached to your work, welders are fused. This will cause it to overheat more quickly, and can blow the fuse or breaker in your breaker box.

There are some techniques on how to strike the arc, I suggest you try them all and see which one is most comfortable for you. Remember, practice is the key to being a good welder. The first method is a method of puncture. The way this works is you position the electrode about 1/2 inches from your work. Then flip your helmet down. Now you want to quickly prick the stem into the job then immediately pulled back. Another method is the initial method. This method works very much like striking a match. Just imagine the electrodes is a match, and the location you want to express your welding bead is the striker. If you are sure to use very fast strokes you are much less likely to have a stick electrodes when using this method.

One common problem people have is that no matter what the electrode simply freezes on the job. If you experience this, most likely means that the amps need to appear on your welder. Try to change it to 10 amps at a time until it stops sticking. If you are having success getting the arc to start, but then get out, you will attract the welding rod is too far from your work. Remember, you only want to pull back about 1/4 inch.

Once your bow case, you need to immediately start feeding the electrode into it. Electrodes will burn fast enough, so you must keep at the proper distance to maintain the arc. When it is at the correct distance that would make a crunching noise. If you get too much more than sound would emerge with the sparks flying in all directions. If too close you'll see an arc starting out and it will make less noise. If the bow out after you have restarted you can weld a little easier while still molten metal. Simply attach the electrode back into the puddle of water while you still can see it shine through your mask.

Sometimes need to have the initial arc exactly the right place. It can be difficult without a helmet auto dark. One trick is to put a small piece of scotch tape on the ends of metal where you want the beads to get started. This way you can put electrodes on the tape with a helmet to the top, then drop your helmet and just drag it off the tape.

Learning how to strike the arc can be one of the most frustrating step in learning how to arc weld. Fortunately, once you get to the bottom, it becomes almost natural. Learn how to arc weld is mostly a process of practice. Get yourself some scrap metal and spent a few afternoons burning electrodes before you try to weld something important.

Become an Underwater Welder

To get a basic idea of ​​what it takes, here are some skills that you must have. First you must be a certified welder and a commercial diver. It's important to have good diving skills and equally essential to place a premium on safety. Most of the tasks involved in the work of an underwater welder are not the welding itself, but the things that need to be done to get ready for the job.

Those who are interested in becoming underwater welders can attend one of the many fine commercial diving schools. Most of them offer a certificate of completion and acceptance as a commercial diver upon completion. You also need to pass a diving physical exam, and often times a written exam as well. Association of Commercial Diving Education provides a list of certified diving schools by writing the Association of Diving Contractors-ADC-, 2611 FM 1960 W., Room F204, and Houston, Texas 77 068. Contact them at (713) 893-8388 or fax them (713) 893-5118. After completing the course one must have a good idea, whether or not they feel comfortable under the water and want to continue in the field of underwater welding. If you feel comfortable and want to continue, then many professional diving companies offer the services of underwater welding. Get your resume together and apply.

After getting that first underwater welding job, most companies will ask you to improve your skills by passing certain qualification tests. Consult your company as to the requirements they have. Generally better wet and dry your skills welding, the more valuable you are and the higher rating and pay grade you will have.

Some people are already commercial divers when they become interested, which then requires welding training. It is also wise to be in peak physical condition since underwater welding can be physically demanding. Better shape you are, the better you will do.

What is the possibility of looking for work in underwater welding is a question that also comes to mind for most people. The need for skilled workers in underwater welding is usually very good, although subject to the laws of supply and demand as most professions. As you gain experience of employment opportunities will be available to you, and as your reputation in underwater welding grows, you will be more sought after. Salaries more than $ 100,000 per year are commanded by skilled and experienced technicians in underwater welding, making it a career field worth looking into for anyone with an interest in combining the two sought after skills of professional welding, and diving.

Various Types Solid State Welding

Last weekend I went furniture shopping with one of my friends. We went to various shops. Furniture on display in the floor varies from antique, large pieces to clean, modern appearance. I think the options will never expire. And, after a while, it all starts to look the same to the table, big beautiful metal caught my eye. It looked like a piece of steel that have been welded seamlessly together. Well, this aspect of the welding spark my interest. I think how the designers of metal welded together. Are there different types of welding? Here is what I know.

The most used method of welding heat to join two or more pieces of metal together. In the explosion, no heat is applied. Instead, the process depends on the collision of high energy and movement. For example, shock waves can provide sufficient heat energy from the power and impact of carrying out the metal pieces together. This technique is used when producing and repairing leaking heat exchanger tubes to tube sheet joints.

The technique is cold when you take the material and connect them by using a high pressure at room temperature or vacuum without heat. Unlike other practices, there is no liquid present state. You can use hand-held tools or press big enough for large objects.

Inertia friction welding is a type that involves rotating the flywheel until the motor is rotated by a certain speed is reached. Once this happens, the other (or fruit) to be welded rotating, the motor disengages from the flywheel and the welded joins in call for spinning. When the contact is when pressure is applied and the action takes place. At the time the flywheel slows down or completely stopped, the pressure applied and the welding is completed.

Hammer is also known as the workshop. This process involves heating the metal to join them in the oven and apply weight or a blow strong enough to create long-lasting distortion on the intersection. When welding imagine this, think about a blacksmith do his / her job. A blacksmith uses the same process.

Roll and hammer welding are very similar. They both use pressure to connect the two metals. The only difference is the roll welding, hammering did not happen. Using the pressure caused by the rolling motion. This is one of the most common procedures used in low alloy steel casing with stainless steel.

Sabtu, 02 Juni 2012

Welding Goggles Are Showing Up?

Walk into any welding supply store and you just might be a bit surprised to see people in line for welding goggles. You may see some teens, girls and boys just about anyone else you can think of. The fact is that the welding glasses are a big part of a fashion statement today.

If you have been on the slopes lately, you may have seen them around. Skiers who love these glasses because they have a snug fit and no steam when they shake down the slopes. Not only that, but they are usually much cheaper than a regular ski goggles. The fact that they are well made and hold it for a fall makes them all that much more appealing to children who are out there these days ski slopes.

Communities are also using them as driving glasses. Once again, the price is very attractive and they do a great job to keep the sun from your eyes. The color of the glasses are made to fend off the bright colors that are created when welders apply heat so that they would be working against a sunny day.

Group that has really made popular welding goggles are punk Steampunk sub-culture. These glasses are an integral part of the clothes they wear and if they do not on their face, you can be sure that they are hanging from their necks or put on their heads. Welding shop will never be the same!

Welding goggles that appear everywhere, so do not be surprised when you walk down the street and you see some kids that look like they are dressed for later use. They are more popular than ever and not only for welding again.

Easiest Way Certified Welder

The easiest way to become a certified welder is to do a test fillet weld break, las Send to laboratory testing, record a certified AWS welding on the sample form ... Completed.

Let me explain.

Welding certification need not be too complicated though more often than not, it's made ​​to be complicated.

A horizontal (2F position) with a simple T can be used to declare a welder as long as it is done correctly, properly tested, and properly recorded.

Welding code allows for all levels of certification. The reason is simple tests such as 2F fillet break test is rarely performed because of the limitations of that qualification. A fillet weld break test 2F only qualified for fillet welds, and only on the flat and horizontal position, if that includes the scope of your work, then you are fine to use this simple test.

Most employers take it to the other extreme and try to choose the welding tests are eligible for all positions, all types of welded joints, and all thicknesses.

What happens then is one or all of three things:
  •      The failure rate went through the roof
  •      Welder can not be passed unless the number of lots allowed to practice.
  •      Visual inspection criteria dumbed down because if not, nothing is passed.

None of the good stuff. That's why it's important to choose the appropriate welding certification tests ... stating to the task and not much beyond what is required. Trying to get all the qualifications which might have required a test of a single weld is impossible, unreasonable, and costly in the end.

It is far better to start simple and go from there.